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Lehigh Valley Driving Tips for Easter Weekend

Easter may not be the first holiday you think about when it comes to lots of driving. But, it’s still a holiday on which a large number of families travel to or from the Lehigh Valley.

Be sure to drive carefully over the course of Easter weekend even if you’re not traveling to see family, and expect there to be a larger number of cars on the road than usual.

Here are some quick tips you can use to make your Easter driving a bit more safe this year.

Keep Emergency Numbers Handy

Make sure you have our number ((484) 891-1922) handy, or other numbers you may need just in case.

Map Your Route Out

We use GPS apps just like the next person, but you shouldn’t let them take total control. Be sure to take a look at your route before you hit the road. In fact, checking your GPS app before you leave may give you a heads up on traffic or delays along the way.

Give your car a once over

Check your tire pressure. Make sure you have enough windshield wiper fluid. Give your oil a check. These quick checks can save you some potential headaches.

Pack your phone charger

Those emergency numbers won’t do much good if your phone is out of juice. Having a backup phone charger battery pack is almost a must these days.

Keep any valuables in your truck or covered up.

It may not exactly be a Christmas haul, but Easter can also be a time where we have valuables in our cars. Be sure to cover them up if you are parking somewhere.

Be safe and have a happy Easter!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Things to Never Leave the House Without

As you rush to get to work every morning, you may go through a mental checklist to make sure you have everything you need before heading out — your phone, wallet, keys, lunch, work badge, and whatever else you need on a daily basis. But what would it mean to leave any of these important items at home? While we certainly could live without most of the important items we use on a daily basis, our day would become a lot more difficult, especially since we are used to convenience.

The Phone

Our cell phones have become more than just a way to communicate with others. They are now a constant source of entertainment, helping us get through the day and awkward situations. Forgetting your phone at home certainly won’t kill you, but it may make you feel naked. Like you are missing something of great value. The only true problem would arise when in an emergency. You can make it a day without sending your best friend cat memes, but when you are in an emergency, with no one around to help, you will be wishing you didn’t leave your phone. Think about a time you may have been hiking or out in the wilderness and you got a flat tire, or your car wouldn’t start, or you locked your keys in the car. You wouldn’t have a phone to call a tow truck or 24/7 Emergency Locksmith, and they would leave you stranded.

The Wallet

Your wallet is another thing you can probably live a day without, but you would probably run into a couple of problems. Unless you have a secret stash of money in your car or office, you will have no source of money. This could pose a problem when trying to buy gas, coffee, lunch, or anything else. You also wouldn’t have other important items like your ID, which would definitely be needed for a drink after work of if you get pulled over on the way home, which we hope never happens.

The Keys

Okay, if you leave the house without the keys, we would hope you would turn around right away to retrieve them. But if your friend is driving you to work, you take a cab, or you are able to walk, you may not even notice that you left your keys until you are trying to get back into your home later that night, only to find you are locked out. In this situation, let’s hope you didn’t forget your phone as well, because you can easily call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and have someone come to your house in no time to let you back into your home.

These are a few of the most important things to remember when you leave the house, but if you forget your keys, we can help with any other locksmith issues. Contact us today for help!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


The “S” Method Parallel Parking Tips From 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

Before you can lock your car, you have to be able to park it effectively. And, while we all think we’re the best parkers in the history of the world, we can always use a bit of a refresher when it comes to parallel parking.

Take a look at one of the most common parallel parking methods, the “S” Method.

1. Turn on your signal and pull up about three feet away from the car you plan to park behind. You’ll want to align your back tires with the other car’s back bumper

2. Put your car into reverse and then turn your steering wheel all the way to the right.

3. Back up until your car is now at a 45 degree angle from its original position, and then stop.

4. Now, turn your wheels all the way to the left.

5. Back up and into the spot slowly until your car is now parallel with the curb.

6. You should be about or less than 12 inches from the curb.

Practice makes perfect!

If you have any locksmith needs, 24/7 Emergency Locksmith will be there in 20 minutes or less in the Lehigh Valley

CALL US: (484) 891-1922 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Important Things to Bring on Your Road Trip

Planning a trip is fun but can get stressful. Whether you are driving across the country or just to the other side of the state, you want to make sure you plan for everything. As we all know, life doesn’t always go as planned, and being prepared for the worst (or even just minor hiccups) can help you get through the rough patches with ease.

On a road trip a lot can go wrong — you can get a flat tire, get lost, get in a car accident, lose your car keys, or even lock yourself out of the car. Hitting the road can be a freeing feeling, but when you run into problems, the freedom is lost.

There are a few things you need to be aware of when you head out on the open road, things you want to prepare for and items you want to be sure to bring. In this blog, we will go over some of those things.


If you get stuck in the snow or your car breaks down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, you will want to have blankets ready just in case the temperature drops. Blankets are also just great to have on a road trip, allowing you to get a little cozier when you are not the driver.

First Aid Kit

Whether you get in a minor car accident or just trip over a stump after taking a stretch break, a first aid kit is always good to have. Even the smallest first aid kit is equipped with bandages, ibuprofen, small scissors, gauze, medical tape, ointment, and disinfectant. That stuff can come in handy in many different situations.

Spare Tire

Getting a flat can really ruin your road trip, and while a spare tire won’t help you finish that road trip, it can help you get to the nearest tire shop. Most vehicles have a spare tire ready to access at any moment, but making sure you have a spare before hitting the road can help give you  peace of mind.

24/7 Emergency Locksmith

If you are driving through the Bethlehem, PA area during your road trip, but sure to have 24/7 Emergency Locksmith contact information. We can help you with anything from cutting you a new car key to repairing your ignition. If you are locked out of your car, lost your keys, or need any other locksmith services, we have you covered. We can help you in no time and have you back on the open road!

Remember to pack the important things before heading out on your road trip. If anything does happen you will be relieved when you realize you are prepared. Contact 24/7 Emergency Locksmith today with any locksmith issues you may have!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Happy New Year, Lehigh Valley! From 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

Happy New Year to all of our customers and members of the communities that make up the Lehigh Valley. We’re proud to serve Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and other area communities.

It’s going to be a cold New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Please be sure to save our number in case you find yourself in a situation where we can help you out quickly! (484) 891-1922

See you in 2018.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


When To Call a Locksmith in Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton

No one likes getting locked out of their home or automobile. No one likes losing their keys. No one likes having to change their locks. Thankfully, we like doing all of these things for you.

While most people know what a locksmith does, it may not be completely clear when its actually time to call a locksmith, such as 24/7 Emergency Locksmith. Here are a few examples of situations where it is time to rely on a professional.

When you’ve locked yourself out of your car without hope. If you’re sure you’ve locked your keys in your car, absolutely cannot find them, know that you can’t get a spare in time, or are in a situation when time is off the essence, it’s time to call a professional. Not only do you not want to risk damaging your car by attempting to get into it on your own, but you also don’t want to risk injuring yourself in the process. Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and we’ll be there before you know it.

When your keys and locks get old at your home. Trust us when we tell you that changing a number of locks isn’t something you want to try without proper training. Sure, it may seem simple when watching a YouTube tutorial, but we’ll take the hassle out of your weekend by replacing your set of locks.

When you’re locked out at home and considering breaking into your own house. We’ve all been there. It’s as easy as breaking that first floor window, right? But, do you really want to deal with the aftermath of a broken window? We know that it’s not the first route you want to go down, but if you’ve lost the key to your home, don’t waste any more time and give 24/7 Emergency Locksmith a call.

If you’ve broken your key in your lock, whether it is your car or front door, we know the feeling. It’s a sunken heart and it’s the last thing you need to deal with at the end of the day. Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and we’ll take the hassle out of your lockout situation and get you back inside in minutes.

CALL US: (484) 891-1922 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


How to Find Your Car in a Busy Parking Lot

Whether you’re shopping on Black Friday or leaving the stadium after a football game, we’ve all had that sinking feeling of not remembering where we parked our car.

Here are a few ways to remember where you parked your car in a crowded parking lot. Before you say “Hey 24/7 Emergency Locksmith people, these are all pretty obvious suggestions” remember that you, too, have been lost in a parking lot.

1. Hit the Panic Button
If you know that your car is probably nearby, hitting the panic button is a surefire way to find it. This isn’t the best method if you’re in a loud environment or your car is out of range, of course.

2. Park Near a Landmark
If you have the choice to park your car near something recognizable from a distance like a sign or a specific corner of a lot. Of course, this only works if there are certain signs or items in the parking lot to park next to.

3. Take a picture / Use Your Map
Technology is a wonderful thing. Many driving and map mobile apps for your smartphone give you the ability to place a pin where you parked. Once you’re heading back to your car, all you have to do is follow the map. Taking a picture can also help you jog your memory when it’s time to head home.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Stay Safe in Parking Lots and Parking Garages

The holiday shopping season is supposed to be fun, but, let’s be honest, it’s usually a little stressful. In between remembering your shopping list and trying to figure out what you’re supposed to get your father-in-law, you might not even give a second thought to staying safe when you park your car in public parking lots or garages at malls or downtown areas, or anywhere really.

Here are a few ways you can stay safe when parking.

Plan Ahead
Try to shop during the dwindling daylight hours if possible and don’t carry around lots of cash. Also, remember where you parked. That may sound silly, but walking around aimlessly for a few dozen minutes isn’t exactly the quickest way to get back to your car.

Park and Lock it Up
If you can park with an attendant, that’s a good move. Otherwise, try to park as close to an entrance as possible. If you’re making multiple shopping stops throughout the day and can’t bring your purchases home in-between, make sure you don’t leave those gifts out in plain view for a thief to see.

Be Alert
Being distracted is exactly what any thief wants for you to be. When you’re heading back to your car, be alert. Have your keys in hand and be aware of your surroundings.

Hopefully, everything will go smoothly for you this shopping season, but do yourself a favor and be smart when parking and heading back to your car as well. And, of course, if you find that you’ve locked yourself out, call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith at (484) 891-1922 and we’ll be there to help in a flash.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Four Ways to De-Ice a Car Lock

If your car lock is frozen, 24/7 Emergency Locksmith is always available to come help you out by calling (484) 891-1922.

And while we recommend calling us if your car lock is frozen, as we’ll be able to fix it safely and without damage, here are a few interesting ways you can de-ice a lock in a pinch.

1. Petroleum Jelly
It’s a bit messy, but if you dip your key in petroleum jelly and put it into the lock, move it around and wait a bit, it can melt the ice inside the lock.

2. Hand sanitizer
That little bottle of hand sanitizer you have hanging on your key chain that you never use? Well, it has rubbing alcohol inside of it, which can lower the freezing point of water and melt the ice inside a car lock. Drip some onto your key and go to town. At least your lock will be super clean.

3. Hot Water
While we don’t always carry around hot water, well, ever, many people do have hot coffee in the morning. You can try putting your key into the hot coffee for a bit, drying it off, and then putting it into the lock. You’ll probably want to throw the rest of the coffee away.

4. Lighter
Probably a last resort, but as long as you didn’t put any flammable substances in your lock and it doesn’t have any plastic parts, you could try a lighter on it. We definitely don’t recommend this one.

Again, the best idea here is for you to give 24/7 Emergency Locksmith a call if you’re in the Lehigh Valley and have a iced up lock. We’ll be there quickly, no matter if you’re in the Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton areas.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


How the Cold Can Affect Your Car Locks and When to Call a Locksmith in the Lehigh Valley

Photo courtesy of Leith Nissan

Unfortunately, we tend to only think about our locks when they aren’t working. During day-to-day life, we use locks dozens of times per day, but it’s only when they malfunction that we really truly think about them. That is even more clear when it becomes cold outside in the Lehigh Valley.

Here’s what is happening to your car lock in the cold

The cold makes locks, doors, windows, and keys contract. Locks can get jammed due to frozen mechanisms. The most common lock problems during the cold months found by car owners are frozen doors, door locks, and even power windows. You can always try to spray on some de-icer onto or into the lock or even slightly heat up metal keys to get rid of snow inside the lock.

If you can, park your car inside a garage to avoid snow or low temperatures. Of course, that’s not always an option for most people.

If you find yourself in a spot where your car doors are locked or frozen completely shut, it may be in your best interest to contact 24/7 Emergency locksmith. While you may be able to get yourself out of a sticky situation, you can also do damage to your lock, which is going to be even more inconvenient than having a frozen one.

Don’t worry, we’ll get to you in the Lehigh Valley within 20 min. Call us at (484) 891-1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922